About me

Rastislav Madeja

born in 1989 in Slovakia, in the small town of Poprad, which spreads under the majestic mountains of the High Tatras. The boy, by fate taken to Germany, to the town of Ingolstadt, which has become his home, is completely self-taught. After years of searching for himself, he decided to follow his heart and revive his lost dream of becoming an artist.

… drawing is more than just art for me – it is a form of meditation during which time stops completely. Drawing brings me not only joy, but also concentration, which helps me to penetrate into the depth of every detail. I must have inherited my sense of art from my grandmother, who was able to create beautiful works of art using pure canvas paint, and who has been with me since childhood. Each of my works is a perfect harmony of thousands of details and brings me not only pleasure but also a soul harmony that cannot be expressed in words …

Each of us creates our own world, and that is why we make it beautiful. I offer you a piece of mine, in which I try to capture that beauty on paper.

During the last few years I have been doing graphic work with a focus on realistic portraits and my works are intended for all those who like my work and would like to have a piece of my world in their own home.